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Your staff room

Welcome to the Learning English Plus staff room. We’ve collated all the latest news items, events information, and more, specifically for those running classes. We’ve also included access to related information to ensure that Learning English Plus offers comprehensive support. If you are interested in finding a job you can find out about what opportunities are available across the region. Choose the job opportunity filter and click on ‘apply filters’. Do you have something to share in the staff room? We welcome any updates that could benefit our readers. Please email your suggestion via our contact form.
  • Le logo News
    Heart and Parcel International Women’s Day Learner Led Festival Published on 28 February 2022
    8-9th March 12pm
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    Breaking Barriers Refugee Week – 28 Feb to 4 March 2022 Published on 23 February 2022
    An online event run by the University of Leicester
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  • Le logo News
    Educating Out Racism Published on 23 February 2022
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    ESOL Podcast, series 2, episode 9 Published on 23 February 2022
    Profile of an ESOL organisation – United Mothers
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  • Le logo News
    IATEFL Pre Conference Day 16th May Belfast Published on 21 February 2022
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  • Le logo News
    A message from NATECLA Scotland Published on 21 February 2022
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    Migreat video Published on 14 February 2022
    English for Action have created a video describing ESOL students experience of barriers to learning
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  • Le logo News
    Free online mentoring programme for refugees and sanctuary seekers interested in studying at university Published on 14 February 2022
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    Managing stress to improve learning Published on 9 February 2022
    A website you may find of interest for yourself and/or your learners
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  • Le logo News
    Heart and Parcel Learner Blog Published on 9 February 2022
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