Differences, Similarities and Implications for How we Teach
- When? 21 May 2022
- Where? King College, London
Additional info:
Attendance is free and will be held in person in London, restrictions permitting.
Please book your place by emailing Mel Cooke on: melanie.cooke@kcl.ac.uk - Find out more
This seminar provides a space for collaborative reflection on the links between teaching, learning and the institutional cultures where we work, and it seeks to enrich our understanding of the contemporary landscape of language teaching. It asks:
* How much do language educators working in schools, FE, not-for-profit organisations and universities really have in common?
* How far are language teachers and teaching shaped by the types of institution that they work in?
* Can we really talk about the professional identity of teachers and their freedom for manoeuvre without addressing the kinds of organisation they work for?
* Is it enough to talk of curriculum-pedagogy-&-assessment, or does this mask systematic institutional differences that have a more profound influence on learning and teaching?
* How can we optimise mutual learning and support between teachers in different areas of language education?
Attendance is free and will be held in person in London, restrictions permitting. Please book your place by emailing Mel Cooke on melanie.cooke@kcl.ac.uk<mailto:melanie.cooke@kcl.ac.uk>