Welcome to the Exploring and Belonging landing page!
Exploring and Belonging is a project focused on forced migrants and their feelings of belonging in places they are settled in Yorkshire and Humber. The MESH team is working with groups of refugees, asylum seekers and other forced migrants to explore their surroundings and research places that they particularly value – places which may be seen as sites of local heritage. At the same time, participants are improving their English through structured sessions focused on this theme.
Based on their research, participants have worked with the MESH team and local volunteers to produce resources about the places they value. For each place, we have together created ESOL reading and related resources for use by ESOL learners and their supporters, including classroom resources.
This project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, with additional support from Migration Yorkshire.
Resources for exploring local heritage and feelings of belonging
These pages present resources generated by the MESH team, in collaboration with Exploring and Belonging project participants. The initial phase of the Exploring and Belonging project is focused on two areas in our region: Hull and Huddersfield. From this page, you can click through to the landing page for each of these areas, and from there you can access the specific resources for each site identified by participants as local places of value.
These pages are free to use and key resources can be downloaded for offline use. Our aim is to add to these pages with more sites in the near future, so watch this space for the addition of new sites across Yorkshire and Humber!
Using money raised by National Lottery players, The National Lottery Heritage Fund supports projects that connect people and communities with the UK’s heritage. Exploring & Belonging is made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been able to run sessions for refugees and asylum seekers to enable them to explore, discuss and write about what is of value as local heritage in the place they live in Yorkshire & Humber. These resources have been generated by participants in these sessions, in collaboration with the MESH team. This project has also been supported by Migration Yorkshire.
Copywrite Statement
The Exploring and Belonging resources on the Learning English Plus website are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, unless otherwise stated.
You may share and adapt these materials for non-commercial purposes, as long as you credit MESH Exploring & Belonging Project and the National Lottery Heritage Fund UK, and distribute any adaptations under the same license.
For further information please contact info@yhmesh.org.uk